
Kayaking is a beloved activity as well when it comes to Iceland. The rugged terrain, the many fjords, and lagoons make the country one the most picturesque locations in the whole world for these sorts of tours. Glaciers, iceberg-filled lakes, black sand beaches make your number of choices almost unlimited, there is always something new for you to explore.

In addition, while enjoying yourself in a kayak, you could meet the local wildlife as well, the dominant member of the Icelandic fauna will be visible during this activity, seals, eider ducks, Atlantic puffins, and many more. Even though you could be kayaking in other countries as well, the Icelandic landscape will make these tours truly unforgettable and spectacular.

It is also important to mention, that many glacier hikes and ice climbing excursions could be combined with kayaking, offering a complex, yet fun way to spend your time in Iceland.