Inside the Volcano

Iceland, the “land of fire and ice” being a relatively young landmass was only formed 16-18 million years ago. Being so new is one of main explanations (apart from the tectonic plates), why the geothermal and volcanic activities are so significant on the island.

One could easily visit a lava cave literally anywhere in the country, however entering a dormant volcano, that is extraordinary, even by Icelandic standards.

The Thrihnukagigur volcano is the only place on the whole planet, where visitors can access the giant volcanic magma chamber of a sleeping giant. Fear not though, the volcano last erupted 4000 years ago and has not showed any signs of activity ever since then.

The sights is located approximately 30 kilometres from Reykjavik. Once arriving at the location, the visitors use a cable lift system to descend to depths, the magma chamber is located 120 meters below the entry area.