Glacier Walking

A glacier (US: /ˈɡleɪʃər/ or UK: /ˈɡlæsiər, ˈɡleɪsiər/) is a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight. A glacier forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation over many years, often centuries.

Now, imagine yourself conquering one of these icy giants, while enjoying the breathtaking view.

In Iceland, this is a lot more than a mere dream, glacier hikes are a key part of both day tours and multi-day tours.

Unfortunately, though, due to the accelerated global warming process, the glaciers are slowly disappearing, their areas are shrinking every year. Fear not, you still have enough time to participate in this activity and lucky for you the difficulty levels can be adjusted to your skills. First, you always go through a safety introduction where a certified and experienced guide explains the most necessary steps, checks your hiking gear and accessories and afterwards it is time for the first step on this frozen wonderland. Once the tour is over, you might feel a bit exhausted, but you will want to return immediately and spend more time on a glacier.